IDS Skincare

Qiqi’s Acne Journey And How She Overcame It
IDS Skincare, 16 August 2016

In this week’s #IDSSPOTLIGHT feature, we invited QiQi to share with us her encounter with acne and how she overcame it. QiQi is a satisfied customer of IDS Skincare and has used our products for 3 months to date.


Hi there!


If you happen to have a couple of minutes to spare, would you like to see how i cleared up my disastrous acne-filled face below?


That was me, about 3 months back.


Before i move on to share more, i want to show you how my skin looks like now:


Taken just last Friday. As you can see, most of my acne has cleared up. All that’s left are some acne marks and hyper- pigmentation.


Like many people, i battled with terrible acne since my teenage years. I’ve had two major breakouts, including this recent one. The first breakout was far worse than what you have seen above. It was just… GROSS! I am not able to attach any photo here as it was a period where i absolutely hated taking photos. It came to a point where i even thought people were taking pictures of my ugly face whenever i see them holding their phones. Paranoid level x 100.


I was close to giving up as my skin just did not seem to improve after trying tens and thousands of over-the-counter (OTC) products.


Here’s a list of products i have tried, a non-exhaustive list as i have tested a lot more. Whatever you can think of, you name it — i have probably tried it.

  • Aloe Vera
  • Sea Salt
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Salicylic Acid
  • Oxy 5-10
  • Retinol A Cream


Initially, some of them did work a little. However, my pimples just wouldn’t stop surfacing! Every morning i was waking up to a few more pus-filled, inflamed red bumps. What a terrible nightmare!


Eventually, i resorted to seeking professional help and was recommended the following products from IDS Skincare:

  1. IDS Pore Formula
  2. IDS C-Plus


Truth be told, shortly after i started this new regime as recommended by the professional, i experienced a so called ‘purging’ stage, where my skin actually deteriorated before it eventually got better. Take a look at the following collage:

  • Week 1-3: The whiteheads grew even more and some developed into inflamed pimples
  • Week 3-4: Skin condition continued to deteriorate
  • Week 4-5: Most of whiteheads turned into full-blown pimples



For the first two months, miracles did not happen. Ironically, I had more people came to me giving me the “what’s-wrong-with-you” look and asking me “wah, what happened to you? Too stress arh?”


How could i possibly have an answer? Blame my raging hormones lor.


But trust me, once i got pass the purging period, which lasted for about 2 months, my skin improved drastically as the days went by. I never missed a day without using IDS Skincare products. The two products i can’t live without now are IDS Pore Formula and IDS C-Plus.


To me, IDS Pore Formula is almost like a miracle product to clear up my whiteheads. As you can see in the photo below, i really had alot of tiny skin-toned bumps.



I still remember how my skincare professional tried to convince me that PF has been working well for many people. But, like any consumer, I had this thought ‘yeah sure, that’s what you claim but whether or not it works is another thing’ Looking back, I think this is definitely one of the best decisions I have made in my life. The product is so fantastic that sometimes, when my fingers over my skin, i can easily dislodge the blackheads! Well, it sounds really disgusting here, but it’s the truth! I am totally bought over by this miracle product.


As for IDS C-Plus,  I absolutely love it. Not only does it prevent acne, it also lightens my acne marks and scars. I also use it as a light serum for my eyes as the formulation is gentle enough to be used there. Look at my before and after photo below, this amazing product has helped to even out my skin tone and don’t you think my skin looks a lot more radiant than before?


A before-after picture taken within 3 months of using IDS Skincare products


I think this pretty much sums up how i cleared those nasty pimples. Though i still have a lot of acne marks and pigmentation to work on,  i believe with time and IDS C-Pus, they will eventually fade off.


For now, i am really satisfied with how much my skin has improved and definitely starting to gain more confidence. At least i started to see more selfies in my camera roll! Hah!




A big thank you to IDS Skincare for saving my skin — i can now walk about confidently without being paranoid about being judged for those ugly, horrendous bumps on my face. Please pardon my disturbing photos on top. But hey, they are 100% genuine, non-edited photos taken when i was breaking out.


To those of you who are reading this, I hope this post serves to encourage you. This is actually my first time writing a blog post to share my personal experience. If you are currently having bad breakouts or suffering from any other skin problems, don’t ever give up! Have a chat with a skincare professional, who knows, things may just start to turn for the better!




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#IDSSpotlight is a series of blogposts where we invite IDS Skincare users to share with us their personal IDS journey. Keen to be featured in this series and guest blog for us? Email us at 🙂

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