IDS Skincare

[ Farrah ] Details of My Mosaic Laser Treatment at IDS Orchard
IDS Skincare, 29 November 2021

I was back to my recent go-to place skin clinic to try the Mosaic laser treatment and to replenish some of my skincare products. As some of you might know, I started my skin journey with IDS in April 2021. It’s been 4 months trusting IDS to take care of my skin. My friends, family, and even work colleagues have noticed the glow of my skin and a few of them asked why I’m getting younger. I’m not sure if I should trust their judgement (hahaha..) but I believe them anyway. I see and feel the improvement in my skin these past months.


In my previous post, I shared the IDS skincare set I’m currently using. And did another visit for a Dew Mist facial. My skin condition right now is the result of consistently giving my skin the TLC (tender loving care) it needs.


After my consultation, IDS recommended me to do the Mosaic Laser. It’s a type of laser treatment that will help our skin to get that tightening and lift it requires. LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, utilizing sources of high intensity and monochromatic light, emitting light energy of only one wavelength or color.


What is Mosaic Laser Treatment?

Mosaic laser is a fractional erbium glass laser. It can deliver tiny columns of laser into the skin at spaced intervals. These columns of skin get coagulated by the heat from the laser and heal with the production of collagen. This remodeling tightens the skin and smoothens the acne scars on the face, as well as rejuvenation the skin on the face and neck. It also helps to shrink pores and reduce wrinkles, roughness, discoloration, and pigmentation, giving a tighten and even skin tone.





I was prep before the treatment, the therapist cleansed my face and applied the numbing cream. It is widely used to prevent pain before certain procedures such as laser and many others. It works by temporarily numbing the skin and surrounding area.


The cream was left for 30 minutes to take effect. Then my face was cleansed again before the proper Mosaic Laser treatment begins. Dra. It took less than 15 minutes then a moisturizer and sunblock were applied.


Will there be any Bleeding, Downtime or Pain?

Most of the laser treatments result in minimal to no downtime. There can be some redness of the skin for 1-2 days after a session but no bleeding. As you can see from the photo, my face was so reddish right after the treatment but after few hours it subsided a little. It took me 2 days until the redness was gone.


The numbing cream was used only to reduce any sensation. During the laser treatment, It feels like a warm and gentle pricking sensation on the skin but it’s bearable.


Do I recommend the Mosaic Laser?

I can’t speak for your skin, only the doctors from IDS can tell you if it’s what your skin needs and if this treatment is suitable for you. But I definitely love the result of this treatment on me. My skin is tighten, lifted, and very happy.


You can visit for more about their products or if you wish to know more about your skin!


IDS (International Building)
360 Orchard Rd, #02-02 International Building, Singapore 238869
T: +65 6450 3555


IDS (Novena)
8 Sinaran Drive, #05-09 to 10 Novena Specialist Centre, Singapore 307470
T: +65 6568 3555


Opening Hours:
10am to 8pm (Mon-Fri)
10am to 5pm (Sat)



*Credits to Farrah

Visit Farrah's blog post here.

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